
Friday, January 16, 2004


Today was the last gym day of the week; legs. I am ready for a break. A lot of people have trouble going to the gym. I have trouble taking a break. I love it. I like the effect, the experience, the routine, the high from the action.

I have friends there. I have known Joe and Tim for years; before we lived here and I would go while here on vacation. There are some other guys that I have known and worked out with since I have lived here; Doc, Randy and some others. We are 5AM guys. There is not a big population in the gym at that hour. There are always some 'transients'--people who come and go and are nice to nod to.

I do not go to socialize however. First things first. I get two minutes between sets. Whatever 'chitchat' can fit in between that and the recording of performance and so on is just enough. I do not stop the workout to talk.

I am now on a lean strength routine. I use the MensHealth computerized workout. I get my printout of weights and reps every day. I report my performance. It adjusts the routine for the next time. The exercises do not change much. Monday is chest (4 exercises) and back (3 exercises). Tuesday; arms--4 bicep, 4 tricep, 3 wrist and forearms. Wednesday and Thursday is just abs. Friday, legs. Each day there is cardio. I total 8+ hours of cardio a week. Saturday I do nothing. Sunday is no gym but a 90 minute bike.

I am using a computerized diet system that coordinates with the workout as well; also through MensHealth. The diet system is very flexible with a lot of substitution possibilities. The program 'learns' your preferences and tastes and builds menus on it. You report your weight and measurements weekly. It is quite ingenious. And there is no fad b/s to it. You eat normal food. It is a food pyramid thing. The carbs are not looooow. They are just right. I have been on this regimen for almost three years now and have maintained my weight and dimensions within less than 1% variation week to week.

The MensHealth package is easy to use if you are disciplined and can follow a routine. The menu stuff would be difficult if you have others in the family who do not like the routine. John is happy with the dinners and does whatever he wants the rest of the time. Oh yeah. They publish in 26 languages. I think that this one is Croatian.

You could take a look and see if it fits you. Mens Health Personal Trainer. Click on Personal Trainer (middle right of the home page). There is usually a free trial period.

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