Monday, January 19, 2004
Well, Kerry got it. I have to feel OK about it because I believe in the process; even the Iowa process.
But, I don't feel good enough about it to post a better picture than this. Actually, there isn't a better picture. This is the only one where he doesn't look like a stuffed shirt. Maybe that is what they like in Iowa. OK. HOLD IT! That is enough. No sore 'losers'.
Dean made some real errors at the end; not just the kind you can wash over and then 'spin' dry. John thinks that the absence of his wife hurts him. I think that is true but it shouldn't be. I also think he is right. The others' attacks hurt him; but he should quit saying so and get on with it. And so on.
History says that Iowa will break but not really make a candidate. Late breaking (perhaps) news says that Gephardt has cancelled a flight and appearances in NH. I don't think that helps Dean though. We will see.
On to New Hampshire.