
Thursday, December 18, 2003


Peter Sellers in a totally original production of an old plot chestnut. I believe that there are only 13 plots in 95% of the pictures we see. This is Plot# 12: (a)idiot becomes expert or (b) others turn idiot into expert through their own naiveté. This is 12b.

On the other hand, since we do not know where Chance comes from and, in the end, do not know where he is going (or understand the way he is going--can't tip the ending off) maybe it is not a standard plot at all and this guy really is--well not an idiot.

Sellers is excellent as the no-affect Chance. He is allowed very little or no 'business' and still makes it work. One of the best things about the film is Melvyn Douglas in one of his last roles (left). Shirley MacLaine is Shirley MacLaine. As usual, half her stuff is good and the other half over the top. I should mention the other main character is Television. It's unremittant and everpresent and there are some really wonderful parallel takes between the live action and the teevee background. (Are unremittant and everpresent the same thing)?

It is great to watch. A lot of it takes place at The Biltmore in Asheville, NC. John and I spent a wonderful day running around the estate during a long Appalachia drive a number of years ago. There was no medical equipment around at the time.

It is one of the NYTimes 1000 Best Pictures of the 20th Century. We gave it a 3 out of 5 on the Netflix scale because it is too long and a little too fond of itself, like Shirley.

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