
Monday, December 22, 2003


Popcorn; but diverting popcorn. James Spader, Kurt Russell honcho through convention and cliché to defeat Jaye Davidson (the CRYING GAME trannie who never made another film after this). It is hopeless to outline the plot. Roger Ebert hated it.

We had a good time watching it unfold and provided our own over-dub to the action. Actually, the film does click along and, if you do not ask any questions whatsoever, it is a pretty good ride.

Q: Why did you order and then watch this. A: Because our Kurt is in it. This is not a good basis for selection, actually, as Kurt's films are generally quite unreliable; some are really good and then--uhhhh--well. This might be his career lowpoint; he has little to do, does it rather mechanically, and has a bad haircut. I am not even going to put his picture on this item.

I give it a 2 out of 5 as a recommendation and a 4 if you have our comments simulcast.

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