Tuesday, December 09, 2003
Franklin was wild to go out this morning. He whined, he scratched at the door, he jumped and twirled. I was apprehensive about actually letting him out but, nature calls and we have to go out their and do our business sometime. When we exited the door, I immediately knew why he was so excited!. There was the faint whiff of skunk in the air!
We have had our first encounter with a woods pussy; so, I did not look forward to another session. On the other hand, we have not had a chance to try out our 'foolproof' remedy; hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and dish detergent sponged into the fur. The first-session tomato juice bath was not the most succesful (perhaps we should not have substituted V8) and the groomer's special bath left residues of skunkiness on his nose.
I am willing to give the new 'foolproof' approach a run; but not today.
We sort of ran around the yard together at 345 AM (I slept in today getting ready to show up for my jury selection process all good looking like) with F groaning, barking and whining (his patented sound effects); looking for trouble as though it was a life goal and me shusshing and saying to cool it.
Even a successful, if high speed, pee and poop--the true purpose of the outdoor visit--did not stop the low groan of the wild animal on a mission. BUT we did not have our other encounter with nature and both of us came inside with a sigh of relief although he kept the energy bubbling for awhile before he crawled into his crate for another nap before the real day begins.
Franklin was wild to go out this morning. He whined, he scratched at the door, he jumped and twirled. I was apprehensive about actually letting him out but, nature calls and we have to go out their and do our business sometime. When we exited the door, I immediately knew why he was so excited!. There was the faint whiff of skunk in the air!
We have had our first encounter with a woods pussy; so, I did not look forward to another session. On the other hand, we have not had a chance to try out our 'foolproof' remedy; hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and dish detergent sponged into the fur. The first-session tomato juice bath was not the most succesful (perhaps we should not have substituted V8) and the groomer's special bath left residues of skunkiness on his nose.
I am willing to give the new 'foolproof' approach a run; but not today.
We sort of ran around the yard together at 345 AM (I slept in today getting ready to show up for my jury selection process all good looking like) with F groaning, barking and whining (his patented sound effects); looking for trouble as though it was a life goal and me shusshing and saying to cool it.
Even a successful, if high speed, pee and poop--the true purpose of the outdoor visit--did not stop the low groan of the wild animal on a mission. BUT we did not have our other encounter with nature and both of us came inside with a sigh of relief although he kept the energy bubbling for awhile before he crawled into his crate for another nap before the real day begins.
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