Thursday, December 18, 2003
It is amusing to watch the other Demo candidates scrutinize Howard Dean for being inconsistent in his views of the Iraq debacle when they had no position or waffled or even caved to the Bush distortions and blatant fabrications ramping up to the war.
They are obviously hoping to capitalize on the small drop in the Dean vs. Bush trial run poll numbers just published. Dean is still the best against Bush.....all the others dropped MORE in their versus Bush numbers.
This makes them near Republicans I would say. Actually, in the absence of any real position of their own, it makes them neuters. We have two clear and articulate visions in the political arena today: the Bush Administration and the Dean Campaign. All the other guys have their backs turned looking the other way.
Dean says that these attacks by his fellows have "'taught me a new persective on human nature'(sardonic smile)" (Today's LA Times).
I have been drifting toward Dean but now I guess I am there. There IS no other credible Demo candidate and he may have the stuff; unless candor and courage to speak one's mind--as well as to have a mind and change it in the face of new evidence--are old hat and not needed in the Republic today.
See more about this at Howard Dean for America
The lead item on this site today includes the letter to the other candidates managers who supported the ad (now pulled) linking Dean with Osama Ben Laden! Stooped too low.