Sunday, December 14, 2003
NOTE: The following entry was not written by ESR. He gave me his login info so I could demonstrate some of the finer points of HTML. I took the ball and ran with it. And he can always delete it... - dr.
Life in the desert is a little less formal than that in the big cities back east. Sure, I have to worry about things like shorts vs. long pants (see below), but while I place a certain importance on my appearance, sometimes the rugged outdoor life that I lead means that conventional grooming habits go by the wayside. Case in point: my new beard. John isn't crazy about it (and Franklin barks), but I feel more like 'me' with it, if you know what I mean. What do you think?
I couldn't be more proud of my son Dave and his friend Hal. After many years of silence, Hal's publication The Harold Herald has re-appeared. Even if - for now - it is only some links to old content, I feel these boys are on their way to greatness. God love 'em.