
Thursday, December 25, 2003


In my battle against the virus which is attacking me, I have escalated the meds to include expectorant (sorry it sounds icky) and cough suppressant. It has all settled in my upper chest and there is a slight fever this afternoon. So, I want to get the "skeezix" out of there.

An interesting side show: a trip to RITE-AID on Christmas Day! RITE-AID is a great place; a crossroads; open 24 hours! The place was mobbed. As far as I could see, almost everyone was doing last minuteChristmas shopping!(literally last minute as it was 3pm).

RITE AID is distinguished by the fact that, when you call them, the default voice-mail answering language is Mexican. You have to punch "1" to get English. Somehow, this is very pleasing to me.

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