Tuesday, December 23, 2003
I started with the 'skeezix' yesterday--sore throat--humpy cough--that ache-all-over thing: the flu? SARS? throat cancer after all the smoking years? No. Probably just the onset of a good head-cold; all that suppressed holiday stuff has to pop out somewhere. I have no fever; actually subnormal temp. OK. That does it with the speculation as to diagnosis and cause. Let's get it fixed!
Get out the echinacea and zinc lozenges. These are clinically proven aids to getting relief--really! I read it in MensHealth Magazine--that reknowned medical journal. They don't kill the virus of course; just up your resistance. In any case it will keep me busy. If I take the meds, my cold will be over in seven days. If I do not take them my cold will last an entire week!
Oh and I will not stint on the aspirin.