
Tuesday, December 23, 2003


David Brooks take on the Dean insurgency in the NYTimes today: The Great Surrender

He updates us on the angst-driven Demos and the late and sorta sad effort by Lieberman to fight Dean; rather than look at how the Party can capitalize on his momentum.

Like I said, the Democratic Party needs this kick in the ass.


John is 65 today. I put five of the candles on this cake. He will get the other 60 during the day.

It is a lifelong sorrow to have your birthday in the same week as J.C.; hard to get any attention. John still claims that even I forgot his special day one year; but this is only to underline the point. It is not based on fact.

We have been together for 28 of these very special days. I am looking forward to the year that our Anniversary years are greater than half his birth years. That would be ten years from now.

Then we will be working toward---no I guess we will never hit the same number.

Happy Birthday John.

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